
“Comedy Festivals” – Joe Machi, Cipha Sounds, & Ian Lara

The boys are back talking the yak yaks for season 7. It was a long hiatus but we finally kicked it off live at The Riot Comedy Festival in Houston, TX held March 23-26, 2023 with some of our festival headliners sharing what they think makes a great comedy festival.

The Riot Comedy Festival 2 has been announced and submissions are open until August 31st. Submit early and get extra discounts, no need to submit videos until later. It will be held April 4 – 7, 2024 in Houston, TX.

In this episode:

Joe Machi

Ian Lara

Cipha Sounds

Brian Gendron

Drew Jordan


Ian Lara – “Always Bring It”

Ian’s accent in comedy is inspirational for anyone new to comedy or for maybe has been in it for a while and hasn’t gotten any big breaks. By staying focused and being patient he was able to earn the respect of comics that were able to help him further his career including landing a spot on the Tonight Show, Comedy Central, and HBO.

His message is clear, put the work in upfront so you can always bring it when you go onstage. Even if you bomb, comics and bookers will take notice you are putting in the effort. So many great tips and helpful experiences shared. Enjoy this excellent conversation with Ian Lara!